Annual Meetings Committee

The Bylaws of the AAHM specify the purpose of this standing committee: The committee shall review all components of Association’s annual meetings; formulate recommendations for policies and operating procedures for consideration by the Council; serve as a source of reference to Program Committees and Local Arrangements Committees; take responsibility for keeping the Association’s Guidelines for Annual Meetings current by recommending revisions and by adding recent annual reports of Program and Local Arrangement Committee Chairs and deleting outdated reports as appropriate; screen and discuss requests to hold future Association’s annual meetings, and make recommendations to the officers and the Council.

Annual Meeting Committee, 2021-2022

Dominque Tobbell, Chair (2024)
Sydney Halpren (2023)
Todd Olszewski (2023)
Dan Fox (2025)
Jennifer Gunn (2026)
Dana Landress (2025)
Sarah Rose (2026)
Tess Lanzarotta (2026)
Jodi Koste, ex-officio
(3-year staggered terms)